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International Journal of Educational Research and Information Science
International Journal of Educational Research and Information Science is a scholarly journal dedicated to reflect the interdisciplinary and dynamic field of information studies. Our aim is to promote the exchange of information and knowledge among researchers around the globe in general, practitioners, and educators in particular. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and academic excellence. All articles published in this journal will be peer-reviewed. Papers will be published shortly after acceptance.
Volume 2, Issue 4, November 2015
Influence of Parent-Adolescent Conflict on Adolescent Academic Performance in Oriade Local Government Area, Osun State, Nigeria
Grace  Igaba Onongha
Pages: 61-66  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 112  Since Sep. 23, 2015    Views: 2198  Since Sep. 23, 2015
Effects of the Use of Computer Aided Design (CAD) on Architecture: A Quantitative Approach
Olukoya  Obafemi A. P.,   Kuti  Oluwaseun M.
Pages: 67-76  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 129  Since Sep. 29, 2015    Views: 2138  Since Sep. 29, 2015
The Effect of Quadratic Simulation - Games on Students’ Achievement and Anxiety Level in Quadratic Equations in Senior Secondary Schools in Kaduna State, Nigeria
Joseph  M. Timayi,   Paul  O. Jonah
Pages: 77-82  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 74  Since Sep. 29, 2015    Views: 1834  Since Sep. 29, 2015
Comparison Between Clinical Simulation and Traditional Teaching for Cardiopulmonary Knowledge and Skills
Muayyad  M. Ahmad,   Ahmad  A. Aqel
Pages: 83-92  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 96  Since Oct. 24, 2015    Views: 2624  Since Oct. 24, 2015
Effects of Teachers’ Qualification and Competency on Performance in Further Mathematics Among Senior Secondary School Students in Kaduna State, Nigeria
Y.  K. Kajuru,   M.  O. Ibrahim,   O.  O. Olaleye
Pages: 93-97  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 71  Since Nov. 3, 2015    Views: 1758  Since Nov. 3, 2015
The Satisfaction of Shophoremore Dental Students Towards Using Light Microscopy and Virtual Microscopy
Riansares  Arriazu
Pages: 98-101  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 53  Since Nov. 28, 2015    Views: 1481  Since Nov. 28, 2015
Appraisal of Barriers and Facilitators Associated with Advanced Professional Education among Nurses in Adamawa State, Nigeria
Golfa  Timothy,   Yunusa  Umar,   Olatubi  M. Idowu,   Ahmed  Suberu,   Suleiman  Dauda,   Dathini  Hamina
Pages: 102-107  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 49  Since Dec. 18, 2015    Views: 1604  Since Dec. 18, 2015
The Impact of Using Multimedia in an Online Learning Setting for College Students
Majed  Abdoh Alsam
Pages: 108-121  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 102  Since Jan. 10, 2016    Views: 3240  Since Jan. 10, 2016
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