Open Science is an open access and independent publisher committed to ensuring peer-reviewed research. It provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
As a new publisher, it has started to call for reviewers.
Reviewer is expected to exercise his/her expertise and knowledge to critically analyze the content of the manuscript. Impartial, fair and constructive suggestions which can help improve the manuscript are always anticipated. A reviewer must be an expert in his/her field, should have in depth knowledge of his field and should have been actively involved in reviewing manuscript for other journals or have an experience in reviewing scientific papers. When you successfully become one of our reviewers, later we may also invite you to join our editorial board. If you find yourself eligible, please join us.

Step1: Please pay a visit to create an account if you haven't registered yet.

Step2: Login by using your username and password.

Step3: Fill the personal information and CV form.

Step4: Select "Join Reviewer Team" or "Join Editorial Board" you want to join.

Step5: Choose journals (three journals at most) you want to join.

Step6: Submit.