Open Science
Open Science provides immediate open access to its journals and supports a global exchange of knowledge, making scientific researches and data accessible to all amateurs and professionals.
About Us
Open Science is an independent, open access publisher and unique cultural institution. We promote widespread awareness and boundary-breaking ideas. Through our well-crafted books, journals, public events, and innovative outreach programs we are building a vibrant community of readers, writers, and thinkers.We are committed to giving all researchers equal opportunity to share ideas, to develop their career and for their work to have greater impact around the world.We ensure that scientists and researchers get the recognition and rewards that they deserve and the opportunity to play a significant role in the global scientific community.
Open Science wishes to be a leading, internationally operating publishing house in the world. A healthy, lasting growth of the company is essential to the realization of its mission. Providing service to authors and readers and to all those in the intermediate chain who are of importance is the core competence of the company. To this end, Open Science serves the academic scientific research market. In addition, Open Science supplies a high-quality, wide range of professionally relevant literature to libraries and individual academics.

Our Mission
Open Science, who aims to give all researchers equal opportunity to share ideas, develop their career and for their work to have greater impact around the world, is committed to publishing scholarly books, cases, handbooks, journals of research and electronic resources of the highest quality that provide comprehensive insight into all aspects. As an internationally-recognized publisher, Open Science seeks to facilitate the availability of academic excellence and to disseminate innovative knowledge worldwide.
Open Science Scholarly Journals
Open Science is a peer-reviewed platform, the journals of which cover a wide range of academic disciplines and serve the world's research and scholarly communities. Upon acceptance, Open Science Journals will be immediately and permanently free for everyone to read and download.
Open Books
We are committed to enhancing access to academic content in a sustainable way and support the gradual conversion to the Open Access model which offers you the choice to make your research freely accessible online and seek to ensure that scholarly publishing activities operate in a long term sustainable way.
We promote widespread awareness and boundary-breaking ideas. Through our well-crafted books, public events, and innovative outreach programs we are building a vibrant community of readers, writers, and thinkers.