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The Impact of Using Multimedia in an Online Learning Setting for College Students
Current Issue
Volume 2, 2015
Issue 4 (November)
Pages: 108-121   |   Vol. 2, No. 4, November 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 102   Since Jan. 10, 2016 Views: 3240   Since Jan. 10, 2016
Majed Abdoh Alsam, Master in Educational Technology Program, College of Education, Missouri State University, Springfield, MO, USA; The Ministry of Education, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
The impact of multimedia on online learning has made its way to let the students realize how well they can improve their learning in a positive way. Learning is done in a computer-based setup where multimedia is used as a material for teaching. Having multimedia presentations through videos creates a sense of understanding on a given scenario and takes an application after as the learners use it in everyday life. Multimedia is considered to be an online resource as it is always available anytime, in fact most of the time; it is reliable too; focusing on present scenarios. This study provided ways to use of multimedia and expanded the students’ knowledge on a specific topic as they get to experience visualization at its best. The effective use of multimedia presentation results to positive learning; thus, inculcate the importance of education in any way it can be done. It created an interactive way of producing outcome that are not being forced but because of the motivation that both the online teacher and the student give. This study targeted college students who were using more of integrated modes of multimedia that are acknowledged in a society. It can be summarized from the findings that using multimedia in online learning was very useful since they positively affected students’ learning experiences.
Online Learning, Multimedia, Student-Centered, Collaborative Work
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