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International Journal of Educational Research and Information Science
International Journal of Educational Research and Information Science is a scholarly journal dedicated to reflect the interdisciplinary and dynamic field of information studies. Our aim is to promote the exchange of information and knowledge among researchers around the globe in general, practitioners, and educators in particular. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and academic excellence. All articles published in this journal will be peer-reviewed. Papers will be published shortly after acceptance.
Volume 2, Issue 2, July 2015
An Overview of ‘Attention’ According to Van Lier
Mehrdad  Rezaee,   Majid  Farahian
Pages: 7-9  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 46  Since Aug. 28, 2015    Views: 1568  Since Aug. 28, 2015
A Review of Teachers’ Qualifications and Its Implication on Students’ Academic Achievement in Nigerian Schools
Aina  Jacob Kola,   Olanipekun  Shola Sunday
Pages: 10-15  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 102  Since Aug. 28, 2015    Views: 2336  Since Aug. 28, 2015
Possible Utilization of Global System of Mobile Communication Advances in Information Communication Function of the Library
Momodu  O. M.
Pages: 16-20  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 44  Since Aug. 28, 2015    Views: 1781  Since Aug. 28, 2015
Perception of Curriculum Leaders and Teachers on Feedback and Conditions Essential for Effective Supervision in Senior High Schools
Cosmas  Cobbold,   Sylvanus  Kofie,   Anthony  Bordoh,   Isaac  Eshun
Pages: 21-26  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 51  Since Aug. 28, 2015    Views: 1528  Since Aug. 28, 2015
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