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American Journal of Computer Science and Engineering
American Journal of Computer Science and Engineering is a peer-reviewed journal publishing high-quality papers, which cover all areas of the computational science and engineering. This journal intended for professionals and researchers in fields of computational science, computational mathematics, computer engineering and scientific computing, for programmers, and software. Authors are invited to submit original papers not published in the proceedings of conferences and archival journals nor submitted for publication in conferences with published proceedings and journals.
Volume 5, Issue 4, July 2018
The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Learning and Teaching in Nigerian Higher Education
Eleberi  Ebele Leticia
Pages: 51-56  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 36  Since Aug. 6, 2018    Views: 1121  Since Aug. 6, 2018
The Fog Computing Paradigm for the Internet of Things
Anouar  Abtoy,   Amina  El Murabet
Pages: 57-62  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 46  Since Aug. 9, 2018    Views: 1239  Since Aug. 9, 2018
On An Efficient Technique for Solving the Time-Fractional (2+1) - Dimensional Differential Equation
Kamran  Ayub,   Nawab  Khan,   Muhammad  Yaqub Khan,   Attia  Rani,   Muhammad  Ashraf,   Qazi  Mahmood-Ul-Hassan,   Madiha  Afzal
Pages: 63-70  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 30  Since Aug. 9, 2018    Views: 1098  Since Aug. 9, 2018
Specific Technology, Human Capital and Economic Development
Diana  Loubaki
Pages: 71-87  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 25  Since Sep. 1, 2018    Views: 1020  Since Sep. 1, 2018
The Processing Analysis of Effective Recognition Quality for Arabic Speech Based on Three-Layer Neural Networks
Mohamed  Hamed
Pages: 88-100  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 26  Since Sep. 1, 2018    Views: 1128  Since Sep. 1, 2018
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