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The Impact of Emerging Technologies on Learning and Teaching in Nigerian Higher Education
Current Issue
Volume 5, 2018
Issue 4 (July)
Pages: 51-56   |   Vol. 5, No. 4, July 2018   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 36   Since Aug. 6, 2018 Views: 1145   Since Aug. 6, 2018
Eleberi Ebele Leticia, Department of Computer Science, Imo State University, Owerri, Nigeria.
The researcher evaluated the impact of the impact of emerging technologies on learning and teaching in Nigerian higher education. The objectives of the study are; to examine if the undergraduates’ access to emerging technologies have significantly improve their learning practice of education; and to examine if emerging technologies has significantly improve the teaching practice of lecturers. Due to the difficulty to get the exact population of the study, the study used Cochran’s formula at 95% confidence level to obtain a sample size of 384. Cronbach alpha was employed to obtain a reliability instrument that yielded an index coefficient of 0.836, which made the instrument reliable. In line with the design of this study, the data that were collected for this study were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics. The research questions posed for the study were answered using mean and standard deviation, while the objectives posed in this study were analyzed via one sample independent t-test statistic. The hypotheses were tested at 5% level of significance. Based on the findings of the study, it has been concluded that undergraduates’ access to emerging technologies have small significance improvement to their learning practice of education. The study also concluded that that lecturers’ access to emerging technologies has small significance improvement to their teaching practice of education. Hence the study recommends that future research studies should be carried out in a similar study by comparing the impact of emerging technologies on learning and teaching in both private owned and government owned universities to compare results. Nigerian higher institution should encourage emerging technologies in learning and teaching, as to make students-lecturers interaction adequate, and also improve the method of teaching by lecturers.
Emerging Technologies, Social Media, Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
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