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International Journal of Bioengineering & Biotechnology
International Journal of Bioengineering & Biotechnology is a peer-reviewed international journal, which is devoted to the advancement and dissemination of knowledge concerning fermentation technology, biochemical engineering, food technology and microbiology. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists and academicians all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of bioengineering and biotechnology. Contributions from all parts of the world and from different professions in bioengineering and biotechnology are welcome.
Volume 4, Issue 3, June 2019
Evaluation of Toothpaste Effectiveness in Reducing Oral Bacteria
Ebelechukwu  Oluchukwu Nwakalor,   Gideon  Chijioke Okpokwasili
Pages: 26-31  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 50  Since Jun. 25, 2019    Views: 1113  Since Jun. 25, 2019
Coagulation and Antimicrobial Efficiency of Moringa Olifera in the Treatment of Nigeria Bottling Company’s Waste Water, Irete, Imo State, Nigeria
Ruth  Chituru Opurum,   Afamefune  Lawrence Okojie,   Philip  Ifeanyi Okaeme
Pages: 32-36  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 21  Since Jul. 9, 2019    Views: 1022  Since Jul. 9, 2019
Application of Microsatellite in Fish Biotechnology: Prospects and Drawback - Review
Olagunju  Oluwatosin Olubunmi
Pages: 37-43  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 47  Since Jul. 10, 2019    Views: 1214  Since Jul. 10, 2019
Effects of Fermentation and Extrusion on the In-vitro Protein and Starch Digestibilities of Cowpea-plantain Flour Blends
Ayomide  Olubunmi Omojokun,   Anthony  Okhonlaye Ojokoh
Pages: 44-47  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 28  Since Jul. 12, 2019    Views: 1135  Since Jul. 12, 2019
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