The Whole Book |
Front Matter |
Chapter–I Grameen Bank of Bangladesh |
1.1 Introduction
1.2 The Model of GB
1.3 Microcredit System of GB
1.4 Structure and Capital of GB
1.5 Working System of GB
1.6 Management System of GB
1.7 Social Benefits of GB
1.8 GB Should Follow Efficient Lending
1.9 Faults of GB
1.10 Temporary Irregularities in GB
1.11 Reconstruction of GB
1.12 GB Model Around the World
1.13 Grameen Family of Enterprises
1.13.1 Grameen Trust
1.13.2 Grameen Fund
1.13.3 Grameen Communications
1.13.4 Grameen Shakti/Energy
1.13.5 Grameen Shikkha/Education
1.13.6 Grameen Telecom
1.13.7 Grameen Knitwear Limited
1.13.8 Grameen Cybernet Ltd
1.14 Can Microfinance Eradicate Poverty
Chapter–II Necessity of Green Finance in the Society |
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Objectives of the Study
2.3 Methodology
2.4 What is Green
2.5 Definition of Green Finance
2.6 Green Projects
2.7 Green Finance in Agriculture
2.8 Green Finance in Banking Sector
2.9 Green Financial Products
2.10 Financing in Green Marketing Projects
2.11 Finance in Green Buildings
2.12 Financing in Renewable Energy
2.13 Recommendations
Chapter–III Capital Structure Theories in Finance |
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Objectives of the Study
3.3 The Value of Maximization Principles
3.4 Capital Structure Propositions
3.5 Capital Structure Theories
3.5.1 The Tax Theory
3.5.2 Bankruptcy Cost Theory
3.5.3 Agency Costs Theory
3.5.4 Trade-Off Theory
3.5.5 Pecking Order Theory
3.5.6 Asymmetric Information Theory
3.5.7 Signalling Theory
Chapter–IV Job Satisfaction in Commercial Banks of Bangladesh |
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Statement of Problem
4.3 Objectives of the Study of this Chapter
4.4 Research Hypothesis
4.5 Job Satisfaction and Morale
4.6 Theories of Job Satisfaction
4.6.1 Two-Factor Theory of Job Satisfaction
4.6.2 Two Views of Job Satisfaction
4.6.3 The Discrepancy Model of Job Satisfaction
4.6.4 Job Satisfaction as a Steady State
4.6.5 The Dispositional Model of Job Satisfaction
4.7 Methodology
4.7.1 Specific Procedures
4.7.2 Population and Subjects
4.7.3 Data Collection/Instrumentation
4.7.4 Data Analysis
4.8 Results
4.9 Research Findings
4.10 Examining the Determinants of Job Satisfaction and Morale
4.10.1 Personal Factors
4.11 Factors Inherent in the Job
4.11.1 Type of Work
4.11.2 Skill Required
4.11.3 Occupation Status
4.11.4 Commitment to the Organization
4.11.5 Size of Organization
4.11.6 Present Place of Work
4.12 Factors Controllable by Management
4.12.1 Security
4.12.2 Pay
4.12.3 Opportunity for Advancement/Promotional Opportunity
4.12.4 Working Conditions
4.12.5 Co-Workers
4.12.6 Supervision
4.12.7 Other Factors
4.13 Limitations of the Research
4.14 Recommendations
Chapter–V University-Industry Collaboration |
5.1 Introduction
5.1.1 Benefits of Business School-Industry Collaboration for Business Schools
5.1.2 Determining Factors of Type of Collaboration and Its Degree of Intensity
5.2 Objectives of the Study
5.3 Methodology
5.4 Organizational Models of Collaboration Developed in Different Countries
5.4.1 Informal Collaboration
5.4.2 Setting up Internal Support Structures
5.4.3 Creation of Autonomous Support Structures
5.4.4 Commercializing University Products-Setting up Independent Support Structures: Consultancy Center, Trading Company and Foundations
5.4.5 National and Transnational Networking
5.5 Discussion Methods
5.5.1 University-Industry Collaboration Bangladesh Perspective
5.6 Concluding Remarks
Back Matter |