As the author of the submitted work, it is your responsibility to ensure that the manuscript presents a technically as well as grammatically correct copy. A well-prepared manuscript will help to speed up the peer review process as less time will be spent by reviewers annotating technical inefficiencies of the book and more time evaluating the intellectual content.
Authors are required to prepare their manuscripts according to the format given in Guidelines for Authors.
Open Science reserves the right to reject a manuscript otherwise. Manuscripts submitted not in accordance to the book format will be significantly delayed during the production stage.
All manuscripts should be written in good English. This is the responsibility of the authors, not the editors. Papers below the standard for the book will be returned to the authors for rewriting and can be rejected for this reason alone. Such problems may be avoided and publication expedited if the authors use "grammar and spell check" software to correct basic errors, and have their manuscripts edited by an English-speaking colleague or a professional editing service before the initial submission.
Authors are responsible for disclosing potential conflicts of interest (e.g., an author evaluating the efficacy of a commercially available intervention program stands to benefit financially from a favorable pattern of results).