New Releases
The Autistic Neo-Neanderthal Tribe and the Harappan Asuric Neanderthal Dravidian Civilisation-Climate Change, Endosymbiotic Archaeal Digoxin
Ravikumar Kurup,
Parameswara Achutha Kurup
ISBN: 978-1-941926-03-1
6.3 x 9.1 inches, 264pp, Paperback: $90
Published Date: September, 2014
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The increased prevalence of autism in the Dravidian Nair community has been documented. Autistic children and the Nair population tend to have Neanderthal anthropometric features. There is increased incidence of EMF, CCP, MNG and mucoid angiopathy in the population inhabiting the land masses arising out of the Lemurian supercontinent in the Indian ocean. The South Indian land mass was a part of the Lemurian supercontinent in the Indian and Southern ocean which was destroyed by giant Tsunamis and the population inhabiting the supercontinent are represented by the Dravidian population of South India. The population that migrated from the Lemurian land mass travelled over to the Eurasian land mass creating the urban civilizations of Harappa-Mohenjadaro, Sumeria, Etruscia, basque, celts and Egypt. All these ancient civilizations were co-terminus and existed at the same point of time at least 10,000 years BC. The Harappa-Mohenjadaro civilization is considered to be Dravidian and the Harappan script has been decoded and found to be Akkadian-Dravidian. All the Harappa-Mohenjadaro, Sumeria, Etruscia, basque, celts and Egypt civilizations spoke the Akkadian-Dravidian language. As has been demonstrated the Dravidian Nair community has Neanderthal anthropometric features and Neanderthal metabolonomics. All the above mentioned civilizations have a possible Neanderthal origin. The Dravidian community is postulated to have evolved in the Lemurian continent.
The homo neanderthalis would have evolved in the Lemurian supercontinent in the Indian and Southern ocean during periods of extremes of weather. During the ice age and periods of global warming, there is increasing growth of the extremophilic archaea in the human body and oceanic ecosystems. The increasing growth of archaea in the ocean bed leads to release of methane which triggers catastrophic earthquakes in the oceans. This precipitates Tsunamis in the Indian ocean and one of them would have destroyed the Lemurian land mass triggering a mass exodus. This would be the basis of the flood myths in history. The increasing growth of cholesterol catabolising archaea in the primates leads to evolution of homo neanderthalis. The archaea binds to the toll receptor inducing HIF alpha suppressing mitochondrial function and increasing glycolysis. The archaeal catabolism of cholesterol produces cholesterol depletion and bile acid deficiency. Both these factors induce the metabolic syndrome and insulin resistance leading to trunkal obesity and the Neanderthal phenotype. The low cholesterol levels leads to vitamin D deficiency and rickets generating the Neanderthal phenotype with the characteristic anthropometric features. The cholesterol catabolism and ring oxidation leads to generation of pyruvate which is transferred to the GABA shunt pathway. This generates glycine and succinyl CoA synthesizing porphyrins which are dipolar molecules. The cholesterol catabolism generates digoxin which inhibits membrane sodium potassium ATPase and produces a Bose-Einstein condensate via the dipolar porphyrins inducing quantal perception. The digoxin induced membrane sodium potassium ATPase inhibition depletes the cell of magnesium inhibiting reverse transcriptase activity and HERV generation. The HERV produces genomic flexibility and lack of it leads to prefrontal cortex atrophy. The porphyrin induced quantal perception of low level EMF also leading to prefrontal cortex atrophy. There is cerebellar dominance in the Neanderthal phenotype leading onto increased intuitiveness, quantal perception, spirituality, community spirit, compassion, equality and feeling of oneness with the environment. Thus the Neanderthal phenotype would have evolved in the Lemurian continent with its attached antartic land mass in the ice age. The Neanderthals would evolve due to similar mechanism during period of global warming. The evolution near the antartic part of the Lemuria and the decreasing availability of sunlight would have contributed to the light skin colour of Neanderthals. The Neanderthals following destruction of the Lemurian supercontinent would have migrated to Harappa-Mohenjadaro, Sumeria, Etruscia, basque, celts and Egypt creating a global Dravidian civilization. This civilization had a language, was spiritual, had gender equality and social equality. It was also a creative urban civilization in Harappa-Mohenjadaro, Sumeria, Etruscia, basque, celts and Egypt.
The Harappa-Mohenjadaro, Sumeria, Etruscia, basque, celts and Egypt are essentially Dravidian and neanderthalic. The Harappan civilization was thus similarly neanderthalic and Dravidian. The initial inhabitants of Harappa were the Asuras and they are the Dravidian Neanderthals. The Rigveda had a Harappan origin. The principal God the Rigveda is Varuna- the God of the Oceans. Such a concept would have evolved only in a land mass surrounded by oceans and in ocean travelers suggesting a neanderthalic Dravidian origin of Rigveda. The Indus script has been deciphered and is supposed to be logographic and of Akkadian-Dravidian origin. The Harappan civilization had thus a language, Rigvedic religion, laws and was urbanized. The Harappan civilization originated in and was made up of Neanderthal Dravidians migrating from Lemuria destroyed by Tsunamis. It was a sister civilization to the other neanderthalic Dravidian civilizations of Sumeria, Etruscia, basque, celts and Egypt. It was part of the global Dravidian civilization.
The Rigveda includes concepts of battle between asuric neanderthalic Dravidians of Harappa and the invading homo sapien Devas. The homo sapien Devas had a different brain structure with predominant prefrontal lobe and smaller cerebellum. They evolved out of Africa and HERV generation led to a dynamic large prefrontal cortex. They were different phenotypically from the asuric Dravidian Neanderthals. The asuric Dravidian Neanderthals were cultured with language, religion, laws and social organization. The asuric Dravidian Neanderthals were matrilineal. They were more gender-equal with alternate modes of sexual behaviour. The asuric Dravidian Neanderthals were social equal with a primitive type of communism. The homo sapien Devas did not have a language, laws or religion and were relatively uncivilized. They were more patriarchial and male dominant. The homo sapien Deva invasion of the neanderthalic Harappan society led to the generation of Neanderthal hybrids and the hybrids got their religion and language as well as civilized behaviour from the neanderthalic Harappan Dravidians. The basis of human creativity can be related to this interaction between the Dravidian asuric Neanderthals and the homo sapien Devas. The Rigveda is basically of Dravidian neanderthalic origin. The initial global language was Akkadian-Dravidian. The Sanskrit language is a modification of the Akkadian-Dravidian script. The homo sapien Deva invasion led to the collapse of the global Dravidian civilization of Harappa-Mohenjadaro, Sumeria, Etruscia, basque, celts and Egypt. The great religions of the world the Judaeo-Christianity, Muslim and Hindu are basically Dravidian Neanderthal and Semitic. The Dravidian Neanderthal community migrating out of Lemuria was the basis of the Semitic community and the Semitic religions of the world. The neanderthalic brain was attuned to quantal perception and spirituality.
In the present situation of global warming there is an increased growth of archaea in the human system and neanderthalisation of humans. The Neanderthals have returned and the human brain is becoming neanderthalic in behavior and function. This is responsible for the rising tide of autism, schizophrenia and metabolic syndrome X in the world.

The Full Book PDF |
Front Matter |
Chapter 1 Neanderthal Hybrids: Climate Change Mediated Actinidic Archaeal Endosymbiosis Generates Neanderthal Hybrids and Mind-Body Phenotypic Change |
Chapter 2 Fossilised Neanderthal Matrilineal Societies-Neo-Neanderthal Hybrids, Endosymbiotic Actinidic Archaea and Civilisational Diseases
Chapter 3 Actinidic Archaea-the Third Element: A Cholesterol and Actinide Dependent Shadow Biosphere of Archaea and Viroids |
Chapter 4 Archaeal Digoxin: Endosymbiontic Actinidic Archaeal Synthesis of Digoxin from Cholesterol Regulates Cellular Function and Contributes to Disease Pathology
Chapter 5 Archaeal Porphyrins-Low Level EMF Perception |
Chapter 6 Porphyrins and Quantal Perception-Role of Porphyrins in Environmental Communication/Modulation of Digital Information Storage/Processing System-Low Level of Electromagnetic Fields and Human Disease
Chapter 7 Archaeal Porphyrins and Conscious/Unconscious Perception
Chapter 8 Endosymbiotic Actinidic Archaeal Mediated Warburg Phenotype Mediates Human Disease State |
Chapter 9 Archaeal Porphyrins, Low Level of EMF Perception and Dysautonomia |
Chapter 10 Evidence for Out of Oceania Origin of Homo Neanderthalis from the Lemurian Supercontinent in the Indian Ocean |
Back Matter |

Dr. Ravikumar Kurup
MD, DM, MNAMS, specialized in Molecular Medicine and Neurology. He works as Professor of Molecular Medicine and Neurology at the Metabolic Disorders Research Center, Trivandrum, Kerala. He is also the Professor of Internal Medicine, Medical College, Trivandrum. His research interest includes biology of disease and consciousness.
Parameswara Achutha Kurup
The Metabolic Disorders Research Centre, TC 4/1525, Gouri Sadan, Kattu Road North of Cliff House, Kowdiar PO Trivandrum, Kerala, India.
Neurologists, philosophy, anthropologists and general scientific reading public.