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Advances in Biomedical Sciences
Advances in Biomedical Sciences is an open access journal, which provides a specialized forum for researchers and practitioners of biomedical sciences. The journal publishes research and review articles in all important aspects of biomedical sciences, and their intersection. Both experimental and theoretical papers are acceptable provided that they report important findings, novel insights, or useful techniques in these areas. Scholars from all relevant academic fields are invited to submit high-quality manuscripts that describe the latest, state-of-the-art research results or innovations.
Volume 3, Issue 1, January 2018
Evaluation of Some Biochemical Parameters of Plasmodium falciparum Infected Inhabitants of Ekpoma Metropolis, Nigeria
Dic-Ijiewere  O. Ebenezer
Pages: 1-7  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 54  Since Jan. 15, 2018    Views: 1227  Since Jan. 15, 2018
Assessment of Some Heavy Metals Among Petrol Station Attendants in Ekpoma and Its Environs
Airhomwanbor  O. Kingsley,   Dic-Ijiewere  O. Ebenezer,   Idehen  I. Charles,   Eidangbe  A. Peace,   Ehimare  R. Isibor,   Uwuigbe  Matthew,   Ohue,  E. M.
Pages: 8-12  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 38  Since Jan. 15, 2018    Views: 1240  Since Jan. 15, 2018
Brief Review of Human Stress Detection Using the Processing of Physiological Signals
Luis  Junqueira,   Marta  Cardoso Pina
Pages: 13-15  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 47  Since Jan. 25, 2018    Views: 1286  Since Jan. 25, 2018
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