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Open Science Journal of Statistics and Application
Open Science Journal of Statistics and Application is a fully refereed international journal, which publishes original research papers and survey articles in all areas of statistics and applications. It is a broad based journal covering all branches of statistical sciences and their applications in medical, agricultural, econometric, physical or social sciences and industry, commerce and government and other scientific disciplines.
ISSN Print: 2381-4950
ISSN Online: 2381-4969
Volume 5, Issue 3, September 2018
Multivariate Multilevel Modelling of Diarrheal Disease Data in Low-and Middle-Income Countries
J.  A. Chanika Jayangani Perera,   M.  R. Sooriyarachchi
Pages: 22-31  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 56  Since Jul. 23, 2018    Views: 1087  Since Jul. 23, 2018
Construction of Balanced Incomplete Block Design: An Application of Galois Field
Janardan  Mahanta
Pages: 32-39  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 144  Since Jul. 25, 2018    Views: 1168  Since Jul. 25, 2018
A Comparison of Bayesian and Classical Approach for Estimating the Parameter of Rayleigh Distribution
Janardan  Mahanta,   Mst.  Bilkis Ara Talukdar
Pages: 40-46  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 31  Since Aug. 5, 2018    Views: 1148  Since Aug. 5, 2018
Bivariate Negative Binomial Modelling of Epidemiological Data
Shenali  Maryse Fernando,   Marina  Roshini Sooriyarachchi
Pages: 47-57  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 59  Since Aug. 16, 2018    Views: 1210  Since Aug. 16, 2018
Statistical Models for Forecasting Petroleum Pump Prices in Kenya
Lawrence  Areba Bichanga
Pages: 58-62  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 41  Since Sep. 29, 2018    Views: 1153  Since Sep. 29, 2018
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