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American Journal of Earth Sciences
American Journal of Earth Sciences is a peer reviewed journal, concerning about the latest research results of earth science. The goal of the journal is to provide a global forum for scholars and researchers in this field to exchange ideas and promote the development of earth science theories, applications and technologies.
ISSN Print: 2381-4624
ISSN Online: 2381-4632
Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2015
Effects of Coastal Environment Factors on the Geotechnical Properties of Building Materials, Red Sea, Sudan
Al-Imam  A. O. A.,   Elzien  S. M.,   Khieralla  K. M.
Pages: 157-163  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 126  Since Oct. 14, 2015    Views: 1878  Since Oct. 14, 2015
Geology and Geophysical Conditionsof Land Platform (Karab) Using Resistivity Imaging and Seismic Refraction Survey, Fashaga Area-Gadaref State, Sudan
Kheiralla  K. M.,   Salma  E. E.,   Al-Imam  O. A. O.,   Elzien  S. M.
Pages: 164-170  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 76  Since Oct. 24, 2015    Views: 1818  Since Oct. 24, 2015
Geological Mapping and Gold Prospecting of Wadi Umm Beckol-Wadi Akasha Area, Northern Sudan Based on Remote Sensing
Babiker  I. S.,   Elsayed  Zeinelabdein K. A.,   El  Nadi A. H.
Pages: 171-178  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 100  Since Oct. 24, 2015    Views: 2322  Since Oct. 24, 2015
Climate Changes over Bangladesh Delta: I. Slow-Onset Courses and Their Consequences
M.  A. Awal
Pages: 179-188  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 59  Since Nov. 3, 2015    Views: 1747  Since Nov. 3, 2015
Dynamic Analysis of the Seismic Section of North Melut Sub-basin, South Sudan, Using Parametric Diagrams Method (PDM)
Gamal  Abdalla A. M. Et Toam,   Adam  Konstantinovich Urubov
Pages: 189-205  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 55  Since Nov. 3, 2015    Views: 1869  Since Nov. 3, 2015
Palynological Evidence of a Campanian-Maastrichtian Age of the Shendi Formation (Shendi Basin, Central Sudan)
Ali  A. M. Eisawi
Pages: 206-210  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 88  Since Nov. 11, 2015    Views: 2153  Since Nov. 11, 2015
The Cosmic Energy Gravitational Genesis of the Forthcoming Intensifications of the Global Seismotectonic, Volcanic, Climatic and Magnetic Activities Since 2016 AD
Sergey  V. Simonenko
Pages: 211-229  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 49  Since Nov. 12, 2015    Views: 2466  Since Nov. 12, 2015
Seismic Hazard Assessment of the Red Sea Region
Naila  M. O. Babiker
Pages: 230-235  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 48  Since Dec. 9, 2015    Views: 1819  Since Dec. 9, 2015
Sedimentary Facies and Depositional Environment of the Gedaref Formation, Eastern Sudan
Abdulrhman  F. I. Osman,   Anas  Ibrahim,   Yousif  Abuobida,   Ali  A. M. Eisawi,   Madibbo  Alhadi,   Omer  Mukhtar,   Abdelrhim  A. El Tijani
Pages: 236-241  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 59  Since Jan. 5, 2016    Views: 1961  Since Jan. 5, 2016
Application of Remote Sensing and Geo-Electrical Method for Groundwater Exploration in Khor Al Alabyad, North Kordofan State, Sudan
Elhag  A. B.
Pages: 242-246  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 57  Since Jan. 10, 2016    Views: 2178  Since Jan. 10, 2016
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