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The Cosmic Energy Gravitational Genesis of the Forthcoming Intensifications of the Global Seismotectonic, Volcanic, Climatic and Magnetic Activities Since 2016 AD
Current Issue
Volume 2, 2015
Issue 6 (November)
Pages: 211-229   |   Vol. 2, No. 6, November 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 49   Since Nov. 12, 2015 Views: 2386   Since Nov. 12, 2015
Sergey V. Simonenko, V. I. Il’ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute, Far Eastern Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Vladivostok, Russia.
The article presents the prognostic deductions of the developed thermohydrogravidynamic theory (cosmic geophysics based on the author’s generalized differential formulations of the first law of thermodynamics for an individual finite continuum region τ considered in a Galilean frame of reference) of the global seismotectonic, volcanic, climatic and magnetic activity of the Earthconcerning the cosmic energy gravitational genesis of the forthcoming intensifications of the global seismotectonic, volcanic, climatic and magnetic activities of the Earth since 2016 AD. The prognostic deductions of the thermohydrogravidynamic theory are based on the established fundamental global seismotectonic, volcanic, climatic and magnetic time periodicities Ttcc,vol,clim,m,f = (702 ± 6) years and Ttcc,vol,clim,m,sf = (6321 ± 3) years determined by the combined predominant non-stationary energy gravitational influences on the Earth of the system Sun-Moon, the Venus, the Mars, the Jupiter and the Sun owing to the predominant gravitational interactions of the Sun with the Jupiter and the Saturn. The article presents the evidence of the cosmic energy gravitational genesis of the forthcoming intensification of the global seismotectonic, volcanic, climatic and magnetic activity of the Earth since 2016 AD based mainly on the simultaneous analysis of the following established ranges: (10629÷10429) BC of the geomagnetic reversal revealed (by Mörner et al. in 1971 AD) in Gothenburg (south-west Sweden), (6372÷6192) BC of the outstanding climate anomaly revealed (by Kleiven et al. in 2008 AD) in the North Atlantic, (1450 ± 14) BC of the considered (by Simonenko in 2013 AD and 2014 AD) dates of the possible last major eruption of Thera (Santorini), (50 ± 30) BC of the revealed (by Hammer et al. in 1980 AD) strong global volcanic activity of the Earth.
Cosmic Geophysics, Thermohydrogravidynamic Theory, Generalized First Laws of Thermodynamics, Seismotectonic, Volcanic and Climatic Activities, Geomagnetic Reversals, Non-stationary Cosmic Gravitation, Natural Disasters
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