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American Journal of Business, Economics and Management
American Journal of Business, Economics and Management aims at encouraging theoretical and applied research in the field of business economics and business administration, promoting the exchange of ideas between science and practice. In addition to original theoretical and empirical work, excellent state of the art contributions will also be considered. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and academic excellence. All articles published in this journal will be peer-reviewed. Papers will be published shortly after acceptance.
ISSN Print: 2381-4462
ISSN Online: 2381-4470
Volume 2, Issue 6, December 2014
Land Use Intensification Pattern among Rural Farming Household in the Derived Savannah Agro Ecologies in Southwestern Nigeria
Ajijola  S.,   J.  O. Saka,   V.  O. Aduramigba-Modupe
Pages: 163-169  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 18  Since Aug. 28, 2015    Views: 2183  Since Aug. 28, 2015
Effect of Green Products on Consumer Attitude –a Sustainable Approach
Mohammad  Tariq Intezar,   M.  Yaseen Khan
Pages: 170-175  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 51  Since Aug. 28, 2015    Views: 2535  Since Aug. 28, 2015
The Effect of Organizational Justice and Organizational Citizenship Behaviors among Private Universities in Enugu State, Nigeria
Orajaka  Ugochukwu
Pages: 176-186  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 39  Since Aug. 28, 2015    Views: 2495  Since Aug. 28, 2015
Open Science Scholarly Journals
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