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Open Science Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology
Open Science Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology provides rapid publication of articles in all areas of Pharmaceutical Science. The mission of this journal is to publish original contributions in its field, and then propagate knowledge amongst its readers, and to serve as a valuable reference. The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. All articles published in this journal are peer-reviewed.
Volume 3, Issue 6, December 2015
An Experimental Study on the Abortificient Potentials of Unripe Seed Extract of Carica papaya in Adult Female Wistar Rats
Ekhator  C. N.,   Shelu  J. O.
Pages: 61-65  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 56  Since Oct. 14, 2015    Views: 1799  Since Oct. 14, 2015
Acute Toxicity and Histological Findings of Aqueous Stem Extract of Pennisetum purpureum on Alloxan–Induced Diabetic Wistar-Albino Rats
Akuru  Udiomine Brantley,   Akaninwor  Joyce O.,   Amadi  Benjamin Achor
Pages: 66-71  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 62  Since Oct. 24, 2015    Views: 1903  Since Oct. 24, 2015
Phytochemical Composition and Antidiabetic Properties of Aqueous Stem Extract of Pennisetum purpureum on Alloxan – Induced Diabetic Wistar-Albino Rats
Akuru  Udiomine Brantley,   Akaninwor  Joyce O.,   Amadi  Benjamin Achor
Pages: 72-79  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 49  Since Nov. 3, 2015    Views: 1781  Since Nov. 3, 2015
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