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International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering
International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering is an international and interdisciplinary peer reviewed journal. The journal aims to integrate high quality contributions form scientists and engineers alike into a single source of information that serves broad scientific audience. The journal publishes original full research articles, short communications for rapid print of research findings, and review articles. The Journal will also print special reports that feature recent discoveries with potential impact or commentary on a state-of-the-art contribution reported in the scientific literature.
Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2018
Improve the Reaction Efficiency in Synthesis 1,4-ButaneDiol (BDO) by Nano Copper Chromite Catalyst
Pouresmaeily  Seyed Mohammad,   Shahidzadeh  Mansour,   Hadavand  Shirkavand Behzad,   Ebrahimi  Sobhan
Pages: 1-4  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 237  Since Apr. 27, 2018    Views: 1298  Since Apr. 27, 2018
Comparison Between Silver Nanoparticles and Silver Nitrate as Antifungal Agent
Sherif  Mohamed El-Kadi,   Mohammed  Kamel Mahmoud,   Khaled  Abd-Elfattah Sayed-Ahmed,   Mostafa  Ahmed El-Hendawy
Pages: 5-11  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 36  Since Apr. 27, 2018    Views: 1318  Since Apr. 27, 2018
CO Oxidation over Pd-Au Alloy Nanoparticle Doped Fibrous TiO2-Support Media
Hyeon  U. Shin,   Dinesh  Lolla,   Ahmed  Abutaleb,   Sang  Y. Hwang,   George  G. Chase
Pages: 12-23  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 41  Since Apr. 27, 2018    Views: 1377  Since Apr. 27, 2018
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