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American Journal of Service Science and Management
American Journal of Service Science and Management is a refereed journal dedicated to publishing the latest advancements in different areas of service and management. The goal of this journal is to record the latest findings and promote further research in these areas. Scholars from all relevant academic fields are invited to submit high-quality manuscripts that describe the latest, state-of-the-art research results or innovations.
ISSN Print: 2381-4489
ISSN Online: 2381-4497
Volume 2, Issue 6, November 2015
Factors Affecting Income from Selected Salad Vegetables Marketing in Umuahia North Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria
Ozigbo  M. C.,   Udah  S. C.
Pages: 59-62  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 64  Since Sep. 29, 2015    Views: 1846  Since Sep. 29, 2015
Impact of Islamic Events on Stock Market: Evidence from Karachi Stock Exchange of Pakistan
Muazzam  Ali,   Shakeel  Ahmad Khan,   Abubakar  
Pages: 63-66  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 61  Since Sep. 29, 2015    Views: 1819  Since Sep. 29, 2015
Identifying and Ranking the Critical Success Factors Affecting Implementation of 5S
Mohammad  Reza Daraei,   Mirza  Hasan Hosseini,   Iman  Niksirat,   Alireza  Kianbakhsh
Pages: 67-73  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 165  Since Oct. 10, 2015    Views: 2910  Since Oct. 10, 2015
Determinants of Efficiency of Small Holder Pond Cat Fish in Umuahia North Local Government Area, Abia State Nigeria
Ukagbu  C.,   Udah  S. C.
Pages: 74-80  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 41  Since Nov. 12, 2015    Views: 1718  Since Nov. 12, 2015
Significance of Job Affiliation and Its Productivity Level of Nurses: Implications of Organizational Behavioral and Leadership Management
N.  Ravichandran
Pages: 81-88  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 40  Since Nov. 12, 2015    Views: 1892  Since Nov. 12, 2015
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