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International Journal of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Science
International Journal of Astronomy, Astrophysics and Space Science publishes original contributions and invited reviews covering the entire range of astronomy, astrophysics, astrophysical cosmology, planetary and space science and the astrophysical aspects of astrobiology. This includes both observational and theoretical research, the techniques of astronomical instrumentation and data analysis and astronomical space instrumentation. We particularly welcome papers in the general fields of high-energy astrophysics, astrophysical and astrochemical studies of the interstellar medium including star formation, planetary astrophysics, the formation and evolution of galaxies and the evolution of large scale structure in the Universe. Papers in mathematical physics or in general relativity which do not establish clear astrophysical applications will no longer be considered.The journal also publishes topically selected special issues in research fields of particular scientific interest. These consist of both invited reviews and original research papers. All papers published in the journal are subject to thorough and strict peer-reviewing.
Volume 6, Issue 2, March 2019
Geomorphology and Geology of the Dhaka City Corporation Area-an Approach of Remote Sensing and GIS Technique
Shahtaj  Karim,   Kazi  Munsura Akther,   Mahmuda  Khatun,   Reshad  Md. Ekram Ali
Pages: 7-16  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 67  Since Apr. 26, 2019    Views: 1202  Since Apr. 26, 2019
Open Science Scholarly Journals
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