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International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences is a refereed international journal, which is dedicated to the advancements in agricultural and environmental sciences throughout the world. The goal of this journal is to provide a platform for scientists, students, academics and engineers all over the world to promote, share, and discuss various new issues and developments in different areas of agricultural and environmental sciences. The journal will consider submissions from all over the world, on research works not being published or submitted for publication towards publication as full paper, review article and research article. All manuscripts are subject to a rigorous and fair peer-review process.
Volume 2, Issue 3, June 2017
Constraints to Effective Participation of Women in Irrigation in Bakolori Irrigation Project, Zamfara, Nigeria
Sa’adu  Mafara Abubakar,   Muhammad  Nuraddeen Danjuma,   Khaltume  SG Mustapha
Pages: 25-30  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 29  Since Aug. 2, 2017    Views: 1302  Since Aug. 2, 2017
Application of Tobit Model in Identifying Causes of Poverty in Urban Slum
Nsikak-Abasi  Aniefiok Etim,   Glory  Emmanuel Edet
Pages: 31-36  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 26  Since Aug. 15, 2017    Views: 1193  Since Aug. 15, 2017
Open Science Scholarly Journals
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