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Constraints to Effective Participation of Women in Irrigation in Bakolori Irrigation Project, Zamfara, Nigeria
Current Issue
Volume 2, 2017
Issue 3 (June)
Pages: 25-30   |   Vol. 2, No. 3, June 2017   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 29   Since Aug. 2, 2017 Views: 1303   Since Aug. 2, 2017
Sa’adu Mafara Abubakar, Department of Preliminary Studies, Abdu Gusau Polytechnic, Talata Mafara, Zamfara, Nigeria.
Muhammad Nuraddeen Danjuma, Department of Geography, Bayero University, Kano, Nigeria.
Khaltume SG Mustapha, Department of Business Administration, Abdu Gusau Polytechnic, Talata Mafara, Zamfara, Nigeria.
Agriculture is the main livelihood of majority of rural people in Nigeria. It provides food, employment and essential raw materials for the people hence an activity that is studied by many. The aim of this study is to examine the constraints to effective participation of women in irrigation activities in Bakolori Scheme with a view to offer recommendations that will improve access to resources by women so as to tackle cyclic food shortages in Nigeria. This study was conducted in Talata Mafara, Bakura and Maradun; the three local government areas covered by the Project. The scheme has twenty existing intake areas out of which 6 were purposively selected for this study. Random sampling technique was used to select one hundred and forty five women farmers from the population of four hundred and ten women farmers as of the time of this study. Structured questionnaire was used to elicit information on demographic characteristics of the respondents, types of crops grown by women in the area as well as income obtained from harvests while focus group discussions were conducted in Yarkofoji, Gora and Ware Damtse villages to consider the major constraints to women participation in irrigation activities in the area. Result of this study found that limited access to land (45 respondents), limited access to credit (26 respondents), limited access to agricultural inputs (23 respondents), limited access to education (17 respondents), lack of storage facilities (20 respondents) and culture (14 respondents) are the major constraints to women participation in the study area. This study recommended that women farmers should have access to loans and credit facilities because they are essential inputs for sustainable agricultural activities. This can be achieved through the formulation of low interest micro credit schemes for the women.
Women, Irrigation, Bakolori Irrigation Project, Nigeria
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