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International Journal of Public Health and Health Systems
International Journal of Public Health and Health Systems is a peer-reviewed international journal, which is dedicated to publishing the latest public health research and health systems research, reviews and case studies from the field that will advance and shape the emerging discipline of global public health and health systems. The aim of this journal is to provide a thoughtful forum for contemporary issues and challenges in global public health and health systems research and practice. Manuscripts should follow the style of the journal and are subject to both review and editing.
Volume 4, Issue 1, January 2019
Cruciferous Vegetable Consumption in Local Populations: Survey Results and Lunch-n-Learn Intervention
Yanyan  Li,   Sarah  Levin Martin,   Haiyan  Su
Pages: 1-6  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 21  Since Mar. 5, 2019    Views: 947  Since Mar. 5, 2019
Factors Affecting Social Anxiety and Its Correlation to Social Media Addiction Among Undergraduates
Nurfarahin  Binti Mushthaq Ahmad,   Oshadhani  Chathuranga Dayaratna,   Devan  a/l Baskaran,   Aimaan  Bin Zain al-Aabideen,   Nantha  a/l Regaibalan
Pages: 7-14  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 73  Since Mar. 5, 2019    Views: 1195  Since Mar. 5, 2019
Epidemiology of Malaria in Wukari Local Government Area, Taraba State, Nigeria
Ade  Tolulope Iorwuese,   Aji  David Adashu,   Otti  Emeka Emmanuel
Pages: 15-19  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 36  Since Mar. 5, 2019    Views: 1051  Since Mar. 5, 2019
The Incidence of Multidrug Resistance in Some Selected Gram Negative Clinical Isolates
Esther  Ugonma Akomolafe,   Abdulwasiu  Temitope Olayiwola,   Joyce  Titilayo Ogidan
Pages: 20-26  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 19  Since Mar. 5, 2019    Views: 947  Since Mar. 5, 2019
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