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American Journal of Business, Economics and Management
American Journal of Business, Economics and Management aims at encouraging theoretical and applied research in the field of business economics and business administration, promoting the exchange of ideas between science and practice. In addition to original theoretical and empirical work, excellent state of the art contributions will also be considered. The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and academic excellence. All articles published in this journal will be peer-reviewed. Papers will be published shortly after acceptance.
ISSN Print: 2381-4462
ISSN Online: 2381-4470
Volume 4, Issue 4, August 2016
A Criminological Study on the Dark Figure of Crime as a Socio-ecological Bulk of Victimization
Md.  Kamruzzaman
Pages: 35-39  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 71  Since Jun. 24, 2016    Views: 2424  Since Jun. 24, 2016
Dynamic Association between Macroeconomic Variables and Stock Return Volatility: Evidence from India
Sarbapriya  Ray,   Malayendu  Saha
Pages: 40-56  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 80  Since Jul. 8, 2016    Views: 2320  Since Jul. 8, 2016
Theoretical and Methodical Aspects of Increasing Competitiveness of Commercial Banks
Guzal  Bekmuradova
Pages: 57-61  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 63  Since Jul. 19, 2016    Views: 1940  Since Jul. 19, 2016
Profitability of Cowpea Production in Osun State: Case Studies of Iwo, Ayedire and Ola Oluwa Local Governments
Nafiu  G. O.,   Ayandiji  A. A.,   Famuyide  O. O.,   Jimoh  K. A.,   Vincent  C. C.
Pages: 62-65  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 42  Since Jul. 19, 2016    Views: 1900  Since Jul. 19, 2016
The Impact of CSR on Firms’ Financial Performance – A Literature Review
Lakshmi  Das,   Amalendu  Bhunia
Pages: 66-74  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 760  Since Jul. 19, 2016    Views: 5068  Since Jul. 19, 2016
Harnessing Technological and Non-technological Innovations for SMEs Profitability in the Nigerian Manufacturing Sector
Olomu  Michael Oluwaseun,   Akinwale  Yusuf Opeyemi,   Adepoju  Adeyemi Oluwaseun
Pages: 75-88  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 66  Since Jul. 19, 2016    Views: 3030  Since Jul. 19, 2016
Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction of Agricultural Sector Workers in Ghana
Emmanuel  Asiedu-Darko,   Michael  Amanor
Pages: 89-93  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 56  Since Aug. 17, 2016    Views: 2000  Since Aug. 17, 2016
Democracy, Economy and Its Effects on the Mexican Political System
Juan  Pablo Navarrete Vela
Pages: 94-101  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 45  Since Aug. 17, 2016    Views: 1972  Since Aug. 17, 2016
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