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A Criminological Study on the Dark Figure of Crime as a Socio-ecological Bulk of Victimization
Current Issue
Volume 4, 2016
Issue 4 (August)
Pages: 35-39   |   Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2016   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 71   Since Jun. 24, 2016 Views: 2402   Since Jun. 24, 2016
Md. Kamruzzaman, School of Victimology and Restorative Justice, Institute of Social Welfare and Research, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh; School of Criminology and Police Science, Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University, Tangail, Bangladesh; School of Law, National University, Gazipur, Bangladesh.
This epidemiological research was carried out especially on victim taking data from both primary and secondary sources using non-probability purposive sampling with 70 respondents from Tangail Sadar, Bangladesh. Among them 50% became victimized within last one year while 78.57% were male and 55.7% were Farmer with 65.71% married. Most of them were victimized by assault (34.28%) while 24.28% didn’t lodge General Diary regarding the crime occurrence and 66.66% wanted to avoid criminal justice system for the sake of taking bribery by police (26.08%). The study also found 74.2% victimization occurred in house while 68.57% at night. Most of them were victimized for land or property dispute (31%), 11% for dowry and 9% were instinctive victimizer. Average Dark Figure of Crime was 6.25 (per thousand) while respondents (45.7%) suggested strict law enforcement, (30.0%) legislative administration and public awareness rising and (24.30%) developing relationship between public and police can reduce victimization.
Dark Figure, Crime, Victimization, Socio-Ecological Bulk, Criminological Study
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