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American Journal of Biology and Life Sciences
American Journal of Biology and Life Sciences is devoted to publish scientific and technical information in the field of Biological, and Life sciences. With 6 issues per year, the Journal aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on current developments in the respective fields. The emphasis will be on publishing high quality articles and providing free access to researchers worldwide. through online .The Journal publishes research articles, reviews, short communications and case studies containing original research works of good standards.
ISSN Print: 2381-3784
ISSN Online: 2381-3792
Volume 2, Issue 1, February 2014
Effect of Murraya Koenigii, Catharanthus Roseus and Psidium Guajava Leaves Extract on Blood Glucose in Alloxan Induced Diabetic Rats
Saghir  Ahmad Jafri,   Khaleeq  ur Rehman,   M.  Qasim,   Kalsoom  
Pages: 1-5  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 20  Since Aug. 28, 2015    Views: 2359  Since Aug. 28, 2015
Water Entry in Dry Soybeans at Imbibition Observed by Dedicated Micro-Magnetic Resonance Imaging
Mika  Koizumi,   Hiromi  Kano
Pages: 6-11  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 39  Since Aug. 28, 2015    Views: 2353  Since Aug. 28, 2015
Insights into the Reproductive Allocation Strategy of Different Invasive Plants
Lei Wang  ,   Congyan Wang  ,   Hongguang Xiao  ,   Yanchun Shi  ,   Fei Zhang  ,   Lulu Zhao  ,   Daolin Du  
Pages: 12-17  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 11  Since Aug. 28, 2015    Views: 2280  Since Aug. 28, 2015
Phytochemical Screening of Various Species of Cola Nut Extracts for Antifungal Activity against Phytopathogenic Fungi
A. I. Kanoma  ,   I. Muhammad  ,   I. Ibrahim D.  ,   K. Shehu  ,   H. M. Maishanu  ,   A. D. Isah  
Pages: 18-23  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 14  Since Aug. 28, 2015    Views: 2143  Since Aug. 28, 2015
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