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Bingmann-Lovejoy-Osburn’s Generating Function in the Overpartitions
Current Issue
Volume 2, 2014
Issue 4 (August)
Pages: 37-43   |   Vol. 2, No. 4, August 2014   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 20   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 1728   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Fazlee Hossain, Department of Mathematics, University of Chittagong, Bangladesh.
Sabuj Das, Department of Mathematics, Raozan University College, Bangladesh.
Haradhan Kumar Mohajan, Premier University, Chittagong, Bangladesh.
In 2009, Bingmann, Lovejoy and Osburn defined the generating function for (spt) ̅(n). In 2012, Andrews, Garvan and Liang defined the (sptcrank) ̅ in terms of partition pairs. In this article the number of smallest parts in the overpartitions of n with smallest part not overlined is discussed, and the vector partitions and S ̅ -partitions with 4 components, each a partition with certain restrictions are also discussed. The generating function for (spt) ̅(n), and the generating function for M_s ̅ (m,n) are shown with a result in terms of modulo 3. This paper shows how to prove the Theorem 1 in terms of M_s ̅ (m,n) with a numerical example, and shows how to prove the Theorem 2 with the help of sptcrank in terms of partition pairs. In 2014, Garvan and Jennings-Shaffer are able to defined the (sptcrank) ̅ for marked overpartitions. This paper also shows another result with the help of 6 (SP) ̅-partition pairs of 3 and shows how to prove the Corollary with the help of 42 marked overpartitions of 6.
Components, Congruent, Crank, Non-Negative, Overpartitions, Overlined, Weight
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