The journal publishes original papers including but not limited to the following fields:
⊙ Applied harmonic analysis
⊙ Approximation theory
⊙ Asymptotic methods
⊙ Algebra
⊙ Calculus and analysis
⊙ Geometry and topology
⊙ Logic
⊙ Number theory
⊙ Bifurcation theory
⊙ Coding theory
⊙ Combinatorics
⊙ Complex analysis
⊙ Convex analysis
⊙ Difference equations
⊙ Differential equations
⊙ Dynamical systems
⊙ Fixed-point theory
⊙ Fourier analysis
⊙ Fractals
⊙ Fractional analysis
⊙ Fuzzy mathematics
⊙ Geometry of banach spaces
⊙ Integral equations
⊙ Mathematical physics
⊙ Matrix theory
⊙ Moment theory
⊙ Number theory
⊙ Numerical analysis
⊙ Partial differential equations
⊙ Probability
⊙ Ultrametric analysis
⊙ Variational methods
⊙ Applied probability
⊙ Applied statistics
⊙ Approximation theory
⊙ Chaos theory
⊙ Operator theory
⊙ Optimal control
⊙ Optimization wavelets
⊙ Combinatorics
⊙ Operations research
⊙ Statistics
⊙ Scattering theory
⊙ Semigroups of operators
⊙ Signal theory
⊙ Special functions
⊙ Statistics
⊙ Stochastic process
⊙ Topology and applications
⊙ Transport theory
⊙ Complexity theory
⊙ Computability theory
⊙ Continuum mechanics
⊙ Control theory
⊙ Cryptography
⊙ Discrete geometry
⊙ Dynamical systems
⊙ Elastodynamics
⊙ Evolutionary computation
⊙ Financial mathematics
⊙ Fuzzy logic
⊙ Game theory
⊙ Graph theory
⊙ Information theory
⊙ Inverse problems
⊙ Optimization
⊙ Probability theory
⊙ Statistical finance
⊙ Stochastic processes
⊙ Theoretical statistics
⊙ Mathematical biology
⊙ Mathematical chemistry
⊙ Experimental mathematics
⊙ Fuzzy theory with applications
⊙ Mathematical economics
⊙ Mathematical physics
⊙ Mathematical psychology
⊙ Mathematical sociology
⊙ Matrix computations