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Arch Footbridge over an Inner Ring-Road for a Developing Urban Area
Current Issue
Volume 1, 2014
Issue 4 (September)
Pages: 73-79   |   Vol. 1, No. 4, September 2014   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 15   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 1813   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Janusz Hołowaty, Department of Civil Engineering and Architecture, West Pomeranian University of Technology, Szczecin, Poland.
The paper presents the construction process of an arch footbridge with a suspended composite deck over a new dual carriageway urban freeway in Szczecin, a city in north-western Poland. While there was considerable support for a conventional beam footbridge, after a preliminary study an arch structural system was chosen. The arch footbridge was not only the most attractive option but also the safest for traffic, due to its not having a pier in the median. The location of the footbridge was chosen with regard for relatively short access ramps and stairs although the maximum grade for ramps was set quite gently, making the footbridge accessible to users with mobility impairments and younger schoolchildren. The superstructure of the footbridge consists of a pair of inclined arch ribs spanning 36.05 m which support a pedestrian deck. The through deck is suspended by inclined hangers from the ribs in the main section. The end sections of the deck are supported by ribs via lateral tubes between the ribs and slab ramp cantilevers. The arch footbridge, via slab ramps, stairs and retaining walls, connects footways and cycle tracks on both sides of the urban freeway. The building of the footbridge gives inclusive mobility for pedestrians in places where uncontrolled crossings of roadways have caused fatalities and injuries. It has also reduced fears amongst the public and parents who are anxious about unsafe routes to shops and school.
Footbridge, Structural Concepts, Aesthetic, Steel Arch, Composite Deck, Disabled Facilities, Field Testing
Hołowaty J. “Design concepts of new bridges for pedestrians and cyclists in Szczecin”, Seminar: Pedestrian bridges Wrocław, 2007: pp. 299-306 (in Polish).
WELLS M., CLASH P., “Footbridges” in ICE manual of bridge engineering, Thomas Telford, London 2008: 459-484.
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