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American Journal of Social Sciences
American Journal of Social Sciences emphasizes the publication of work that engages with issues of major public interest and concern across the world, and highlights the implications of that work for policy and professional practice. It particularly welcomes articles on all aspects of developments that contribute to the improvement of social science knowledge and to the setting of a policy-focused research agenda.
ISSN Print: 2381-599X
ISSN Online: 2381-6007
Volume 3, Issue 3, June 2015
The Consideration of the Environment in Economic Decisions in Congo: Case of Brazzaville
Koua  Stephen Faller,   Yang  Shu Wang
Pages: 33-39  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 21  Since Aug. 28, 2015    Views: 1524  Since Aug. 28, 2015
Confirmatory Factorial Structure of the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire-Spanish Version
José  M. Tomás,   Amparo  Oliver,   Laura  Galiana,   Patricia Sancho  Sancho
Pages: 40-43  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 21  Since Aug. 28, 2015    Views: 1673  Since Aug. 28, 2015
A Conceptual Framework for a Local Development Strategy of Louroujina Village in Cyprus
Sevinc  Kurt,   Yasemin  Mesda,   Olukoya  Obafemi Paul
Pages: 44-55  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 21  Since Aug. 28, 2015    Views: 1749  Since Aug. 28, 2015
Environmental Degradation and Sustainability in Nigeria: The Need for Environmental Education
Kayode  Asaju,   Samuel  Arome
Pages: 56-61  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 22  Since Aug. 28, 2015    Views: 2416  Since Aug. 28, 2015
Industrialization: The Key to Nigerian’s Developmental Questions
Kayode  Asaju
Pages: 62-68  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 18  Since Aug. 28, 2015    Views: 1760  Since Aug. 28, 2015
Japanese Economic Interests in Malaysia During the Era of Tun Abdul Razak: A Historical Perspective
Uqbah  Iqbal,   Nordin  Hussin,   Ahmad  Ali Seman
Pages: 69-73  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 76  Since Aug. 28, 2015    Views: 3083  Since Aug. 28, 2015
Cartoon Movies and Nursery Schools Pupils’ Development of Cognitive and Social Skills: Implications for Social Studies Teachers
David  E. Ukpong,   Unwana-Obong  D. Uyanga,   Ifeanyi  O. Nyorere
Pages: 74-78  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 43  Since Aug. 28, 2015    Views: 1683  Since Aug. 28, 2015
Therapeutic Approaches in Counselling Psychology Among Youths in South-South Nigeria
Augustine  A. Agbaje
Pages: 79-86  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 17  Since Aug. 28, 2015    Views: 1529  Since Aug. 28, 2015
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