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American Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Research
American Journal of Food Science and Nutrition Research offers accessible coverage of this complex and dynamic field. The journal covers current thinking on food and nutrition emphasizing the practical and social application of ideas. Special editions focusing on topics including micronutrients, special diets for management of health problems and cost sector catering provide readable content that is an invaluable resource for practitioners and academics wishing to inform themselves, their colleagues, or the public on modern thinking, research, and attitudes to food and nutrition.
ISSN Print: 2381-621X
ISSN Online: 2381-6228
Volume 3, Issue 6, November 2016
Comparison of Antioxidant Effects of Phenolic Grapefruit Seed Extract in Fish Oil and Palm Oil
Azadeh  Yekrang Safakar,   Maryam  Haghshenas,   Majid  Javanmard
Pages: 143-149  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 78  Since Aug. 25, 2016    Views: 1679  Since Aug. 25, 2016
Causes of Mortality in Thryonomis swinderianus Temminck (Grasscutter) Reared in Captivity
Akinyemi  I. G.,   Ukpe  N. E.,   Segilogbon  J. O.,   Joseph  T. M.
Pages: 150-153  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 43  Since Sep. 9, 2016    Views: 1662  Since Sep. 9, 2016
Water Status in Differently Watered Gelatinized Rice (α-rice), Dried Rice Grains after Boiling and Steaming, Observed by Micro-magnetic Resonance Imaging
Mika  Koizumi,   Hiromi  Kano
Pages: 154-161  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 56  Since Sep. 9, 2016    Views: 1661  Since Sep. 9, 2016
Lipids: Functions, Applications in Food Industry and Oxidation
Abdelmoneim  H. Ali,   Sherif  M. Abed,   Sameh  A. Korma,   Hamada  M. Hassan
Pages: 162-171  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 83  Since Sep. 9, 2016    Views: 1826  Since Sep. 9, 2016
Level of Heavy Metals in Some Commonly Domesticated Fauna Species of Awba Dam Shorelines, Ibadan, Nigeria
Adebisi-Fagbohungbe  T. Abiodun,   Ojo  S. Oluwagbemiga
Pages: 172-176  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 39  Since Sep. 23, 2016    Views: 1593  Since Sep. 23, 2016
An Underexploited Tropical Plant with Promising Economic Value and the Window of Opportunities for Researchers: Cnidoscolus aconitifolius
Markus  Victor,   Paul  Abraham Abbey,   Yahaya  Joseph,   Zakka  Jonathan,   Yatai  Kenneth Bobai,   Oladeji  Maria
Pages: 177-187  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 160  Since Sep. 29, 2016    Views: 2612  Since Sep. 29, 2016
Microencapsulation by Complex Coacervation: Methods, Techniques, Benefits, and Applications - A Review
Hitabatuma  Aloys,   Sameh  A. Korma,   Tuyishime  Marie Alice,   Nyinawumuntu  Chantal,   Abdelmoneim  H. Ali,   Sherif  M. Abed,   Habinshuti  Ildephonse
Pages: 188-192  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 132  Since Oct. 10, 2016    Views: 2668  Since Oct. 10, 2016
Wheat (Triticum spp.) : Classification, Nutritional Health Properties, and Antioxidant - A Review
Kamal-Alahmad  ,   Sameh  A. Korma,   Abdelmoneim  H. Ali,   Sherif  M. Abed,   Md.  Ramim Tanver Rahman
Pages: 193-200  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 58  Since Oct. 15, 2016    Views: 1535  Since Oct. 15, 2016
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