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American Journal of Biology and Life Sciences
American Journal of Biology and Life Sciences is devoted to publish scientific and technical information in the field of Biological, and Life sciences. With 6 issues per year, the Journal aims to provide the most complete and reliable source of information on current developments in the respective fields. The emphasis will be on publishing high quality articles and providing free access to researchers worldwide. through online .The Journal publishes research articles, reviews, short communications and case studies containing original research works of good standards.
ISSN Print: 2381-3784
ISSN Online: 2381-3792
Volume 5, Issue 6, December 2017
Study of DNA Fragmentation in Gametes of Infertile Male by Using TUNEL Technique
Ouafia  Liamani,   Soraya  Moulessehoul,   Ismat  Benzeguir
Pages: 47-50  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 70  Since Sep. 24, 2017    Views: 1502  Since Sep. 24, 2017
New Taxa for Marine Fungi from Western Coast of Libya
Massuda  Sifaw Ghenghish
Pages: 51-54  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 49  Since Oct. 18, 2017    Views: 1668  Since Oct. 18, 2017
Effect of Sowing Rates and Nitrogen Levels on the Growth and Yield of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)
Shafqat  Hussain Memon,   Akhtar  Hussain Shar,   Fahad  Ali Kalhoro,   Shahmir  Ali Kalhoro,   Muneer  Ahmed,   Abdul  Ghaffar Shar,   Azhar  Husain Shar,   Ishfaqu  Hikmat Shar
Pages: 55-60  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 43  Since Nov. 6, 2017    Views: 1655  Since Nov. 6, 2017
The Effect of NaCl Priming on Salt Tolerance in Sunflower Seeding Grown Under Saline Conditions
Nizad  Ali Ujjan,   Muhammad  Ibrahim Keerio,   Akhtar  Hussain Shar,   Fahad  Ali Kalhoro,   Shahmir  Ali Kalhoro,   Muneer  Ahmed,   Abdul  Ghaffar Shar,   Azhar  Husain Shar,   Ishfaqu  Hikmat Shar
Pages: 61-68  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 46  Since Nov. 6, 2017    Views: 1765  Since Nov. 6, 2017
The Effect of Enhanced Fermentation on the Antioxidant, Proximate and Shelf Life Properties of Kunu
Oluwafemi  Michael Adedire,   Adekunle  Opeyemi Farinu,   Stephen  Olufemi Olaoye,   Adebayo  Olawande Osesusi,   Kudirat  Olanre Ibrahim
Pages: 69-72  |  >>Abstract
Downloads: 25  Since Nov. 23, 2017    Views: 2026  Since Nov. 23, 2017
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