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The Effects of Engineering Physics Achievements on Climate Change
Current Issue
Volume 2, 2015
Issue 6 (November)
Pages: 157-161   |   Vol. 2, No. 6, November 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 76   Since Nov. 3, 2015 Views: 1640   Since Nov. 3, 2015
Arezu Jahanshir, Department of Engineering Physics, Buein Zahra Technical University, Qazvin, Iran.
Corona discharge and air ionization equipment (AIT) are typically mounted in the outdoor place near the local area, which we need to change climate and weather conditions. Too many volumes of ions are formed as air passes over the ionization era. These ions travel through the outdoor ionization system and inject into low layers of the troposphere. Much like sunlight does in the atmosphere, the AIT produces an artificial climate change in low layers of the troposphere. It creates a measurable and controllable quantity of positive and negative ions. The negative ions contain an extra electron while the positive ions are missing an electron resulting in an unstable condition. These unstable ions provide the following benefits: precipitation, particle reduction, sterilization, etc. Air components are charged by the ions through ionic bonding. These charged particles affect water droplets in the troposphere then increase condensation of water droplets in the clouds or they stick together increasing their size allowing them to be easily removed from the air. Additionally, particles or dust are the vehicles that transmit microbe, germ and bacteria cells from person to person. As the charged ions cause increased particle size, the result is less harmful particles and dust in the breathing zone or under the low layer of the troposphere for dust particles. One of the most important goals of scientific research of AIT around the world is an extreme change in equipment that can optimize climate in the arid and semi-arid (ASZ) zone, which is the major problem in controlling precipitation and local bad weather conditions. During bad weather, conditions around the world, all biological and non-biological environments strongly are influenced. New achievements in atmospheric and engineering physics that related to physical processes in the low layers of the atmosphere and climate controlling programs are appropriated good strategies to solve the climate change crisis. In fact, by using modern equipment and advanced technology, we can get the stratosphere’s low layers ionization, then easily affect the air, and get an ability to intervene and influence the form provided in the atmosphere and weather conditions. Therefore, we offer a basic method alongside other methods around the world, in order to protect and control natural environment during climate change. This method can affect the local climate and interference of rainfall, temperature, humidity and improve efficiency of other meteorological parameters as well. The method could be helpful for appropriate and affordable solution to relieve severe droughts and water shortages in cities, and we can improve the living status and solve some of agricultural and environmental issues.
Ionization Technology, Atmosphere, Climate Change, Precipitation
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