Contourlet Texture Retrieval with Energy and Kurtosis Features
Xinwu Chen, College of Physics and Electronics, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang, China.
Jingjing Xue, College of Physics and Electronics, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang, China.
Shuangbo Xie, College of Physics and Electronics, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang, China.
Li Zhang, College of Physics and Electronics, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang, China.
Contourlet is superior to wavelet at image denoising, texture image retrieval, and some other image application fields. This paper aims at improving the retrieval rate of contourlet retrieval system by using different features. We proved that the combination of energy and kurtosis can perform well incorporated with Canberra distance. Experimental results on 109 brodatz texture images showed that using the features cascaded by energy and kurtosis can lead to a higher retrieval rate than the combination of standard deviation and energy, and some other combinations which are most commonly used today under same dimension of feature vectors. Filter type and decomposition parameters can influence retrieval results.
Content Based Image Retrieval, Contourlet Transform, Texture Image Retrieval System, Energy, Kurtosis
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