Analysis Using ANN of Thermal Inertia in the Sahara Habitats: The Case of Architectural Styles in the Region of Adrar (Algeria)
Bouharati Saddek, Laboratory of Intelligent Systems, Faculty of Technology, UFAS Setif1 University, Algeria; Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life, UFAS Setif1 University, Algeria.
Braham-Chaouch Wafa, Research Unit renewable Saharan Environments (URER. MS), Adrar, Algeria.
Benzidane Chahra, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life, UFAS Setif1 University, Algeria.
Boumaïza Souad, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Life, UFAS Setif1 University, Algeria.
Architecture Saharan thermal inertia is a key element of environmental management. Whatever the desired inertia, materials need to be adapted for this purpose. It depends on the chosen comfort; absorption of inertia makes use of dense materials with high thermal capacity (land, brick tablet). The inertia of the transmission, in turn, requires a material with absorption and rapid return of heat. The nature of the material used to absorb or diffuse the heat, thickness walls; architectural geometries have a very complex role. In this study, we propose a model for analyzing these variables through the techniques of artificial intelligence such as artificial neural networks.
Air Pollution, Air Quality, Artificial Intelligence, Fuzzy Logic
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