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An Investigation of the Roles Performed by Community Based Organisations in Solid Waste Management and Challenges They Face: A Case of Tandika Ward in Temeke
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2016
Issue 2 (September)
Pages: 6-13   |   Vol. 3, No. 2, September 2016   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 48   Since Sep. 13, 2016 Views: 1891   Since Sep. 13, 2016
Daudi Mika Mungure, Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Computing, Information System and Mathematics, The Institute of Finance Management (IFM), Dar es Salaam Tanzania.
This paper investigated the roles performed by Community Based Organizations (CBOs) in solid waste management and the challenges they face. Tandika ward in Temeke Municipality in Dar es Salaam Tanzania was used as a case study. The rapid population growth and increase in Technology has led to increase in quantity of solid waste production in the community which results into poor management of wastes by the municipality. To overcome this problem the Dar es Salaam City Council in 1994 decided to involve the Community Based Organizations which were interested in participating in solid waste management practices. The study employed qualitative approach with a case study design. Key informant interview was the main method of data collection whereby 12 respondents were interviewed. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. The study found that there was only one CBO in Tandika ward involved in provision of waste management services such as door to door collections, cleaning of the roads as well as street sweeping in one sub ward only. Their waste management practices were held back by some challenges such as lack of willingness of the household to pay collection fee, poor working facilities, poor infrastructures, low number of workers, monitoring and excessive wastes production.
Dar es Salaam, Temeke, Tandika, Solid Waste Management (SWM), Community Based Organizations (CBOs)
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