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Gastrointestinal Helminths Infections in Small Ruminants Slaughtered in Minna Modern Abattoir, North Central, Nigeria
Current Issue
Volume 7, 2020
Issue 3 (May)
Pages: 13-18   |   Vol. 7, No. 3, May 2020   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 36   Since Dec. 23, 2020 Views: 1037   Since Dec. 23, 2020
Eke Samuel Sunday, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Air Force Institute of Technology, Kawo, Nigeria.
Nwokocha Favour Amarachi, Department of Biology, Faculty of Science, Admiralty University of Nigeria, Ibusa, Nigeria.
Omalu Innocent Chukwuemeka James, Department of Animal Biology, School of Life Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.
Otuu Chidiebere Agha, Department of Zoology and Environmental Biology, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria.
Onojafe Joseph Oghenebukome, Department of Animal and Environmental Biology, Delta State University, Abraka, Delta State, Nigeria.
Udeh Emmanuel Ochigbo, Centre for Integrated Health Programs, Wuse 2, FCT Abuja, Nigeria.
Kamaldeen Ismail Kolawole, Department of Animal Biology, School of Life Sciences, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria.
Gastrointestinal helminths have been recognized as a major constraint to both small and large-scale small ruminants production in developing countries. This study was aimed at evaluating the current status of gastrointestinal parasitic helminths infections in Minna modern abattoir. Two hundred and thirty three (233) faecal samples were collected from 147 goats and 86 sheep respectively and were examined by simple flotation method. The overall prevalence of helminth eggs recorded was 183 (78.54%). Goats had higher prevalence of helminth eggs 119 (65.03%) than in Sheep 64 (34.97%). The difference in the two species of small ruminants was not statistically significant (p>0.05). Based on gender, the males had the highest infection 106 (57.92%) than their female counterparts 77 (42.08%) of gastrointestinal helminths. The results of this study also revealed that in sheep, adult animals were more frequently infected than the young animals with 49 (76.56%) and 15 (23.44%) respectively. Also, in goats, adult animals had the highest infection rate of 87 (73.11%) than the young animals 32 (26.98). There is no significant difference (p>0.05) on the infection rate in relation to sex and age. Considering the months of study, the overall prevalence of 80 (43.72%), 55 (30.05%) and 48 (26.23%) were recorded in the months of July, September and August respectively. The differences in infection rates were not statistically significant (p>0.05) even though the prevalence was higher in the month of July. This study also revealed the presence of seven (7) genera of helminths: Haemonchus sp, Strongyloides sp, Fasciola sp, Trichostrongylus sp, Oesophagostomum sp, Trichuris sp and Moniezia sp in sheep and goats. This study has revealed an all round helminth infections in small ruminants, which may impact negatively on their productivity, therefore, effective control measures should be put in place to combat the despicable effects of gastrointestinal helminths on small ruminants.
Minna, Gastrointestinal, Helminths, Ruminants and Flotation
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