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Consumer Preference for Goat Meat in Jufra Area, Libya
Current Issue
Volume 6, 2019
Issue 2 (March)
Pages: 31-35   |   Vol. 6, No. 2, March 2019   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 42   Since Jun. 27, 2019 Views: 1203   Since Jun. 27, 2019
Hasseeb Adam Elbukhary, Department of Meat Production and Technology, Faculty of Animal Production, West Kordufan University, El Khuwei, Sudan.
Ahmed Osman Idris, Department of Meat Production and Range, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, Peace University, El Fulla, Sudan.
Kariema Mohammed Abdalla, Department of Biology, Faculty of Education, Sirte University, Waddan, Libya.
This study was aimed to measure the consumers' preference of goat meat consumption in Jufra Area of Libya. A questionnaire was performed to obtain the data. Data were collected from 128 respondents randomly sampled from settlements in the four main towns of the area, Hun, Waddan, Sokana and Zela during March to Apri, 2015. The collected data were statistically analyzed for means and percentages determination. The study indicated that Goat meat is preferable by the Libyan consumer and ranks only the second to mutton with tendency to increase in demand when compared to other meat types. The data showed that the most preferred meat was that obtained from goats that slaughtered at 3 months old followed by 6 months, 9 months and one year and more than one year. The data indicated the most preferred meat by the consumers was that from male goats followed by those eat goat meat irrespective to sex and then by those prefer female meat. The data also indicated that the majority of the consumers eat goat meat every day. The result indicated that the most preferred cut was the leg followed by the forelimb, ribs, loin and finally the neck. The result revealed that the most preferred cooking method was dry cooking (Roasting) followed by moist cooking method (Braising followed by Stewing method). In general, it was concluded that; through extensive health education campaigns, goat meat is well cherished and efforts should be intensified to encourage its consumption.
Goat Meat, Consumer Preference, Livestock
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