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Molecular Characterization and Expression Analysis of Myf6 Gene in Yak (Bos grunniens)
Current Issue
Volume 2, 2015
Issue 2 (March)
Pages: 10-16   |   Vol. 2, No. 2, March 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 20   Since Aug. 28, 2015 Views: 1785   Since Aug. 28, 2015
Zhang Run-feng, College of Life Sciences, Hubei Normal University, Huangshi, China.
Li Rui-wen, Reproductive and Endocrine Laboratory, Chengdu Woman-Child Central Hospital, Chengdu, China.
Lin Ya-qiu, College of Life Science and Technology, Southwest University for Nationalities, Chengdu, China.
Zheng Yu-cai, College of Life Science and Technology, Southwest University for Nationalities, Chengdu, China.
Li Jian, Key Laboratory of Sichuan Province for Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau Animal Genetic Resource Reservation and Exploitation, Chengdu, China.
To reveal the sequence characteristic and expression pattern of Myf6 gene in Jiulong yaks (Bos grunniens), a full-length cDNA of Myf6 was cloned from yak muscle tisssue by RT-PCR. The cDNA obtained was 774 bp nucleotide (nt) long with an ORF of 729 bp which encoding 242 amino acids. Compared with Myf6 protein sequences of Bos Taurus, Capra hircus, Sus scrofa, Homo sapiens, Equus caballus, Oryctolagus cuniculus, and Mus musculus, the homology of amino acid sequences were higher (100 %-94 %), but lower in Zebrafish (60 %). Semi Quantitative (SQ) RT-PCR analysis showed that Myf6 gene expression was observed mainly in longissimus muscle, and trace expression in spleen, but not be detected in heart, liver, kidney, and adipose tissues. The expression of Myf6 gene in Longissimus dorsi of male yaks increased with age. The levels of Myf6 mRNA in Longissimus muscles of 3.5-5.5 yr and over 9.0 yr yaks were significantly higher than that of 0.5 yr yaks (p<0.05). These results suggest that Myf6 may play an important role in maintaining skeletal muscle phenotype of yak.
Yak, Myf6 cDNA, Molecular Characterization, Expression Analysis, Longissimus dorsi
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