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Studies on Supper Parasitism of the Larval Ectoparasitiod Diglyphus isaea on Liriomyza bryoniae and Liriomyza trifolii in Alajelat, Libya
Current Issue
Volume 8, 2020
Issue 2 (June)
Pages: 68-71   |   Vol. 8, No. 2, June 2020   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 36   Since Mar. 23, 2020 Views: 1011   Since Mar. 23, 2020
Mohamed Omar Albasha, Department of Zoology, Alajelat Faculty of Science, Zawia University, Alajelat, Libya.
Alansary Refat Elkhouly, Department of Biology, Zolton Faculty of Education, Sabratha University, Zolton, Libya.
Background: Diglyphus isaea (Walker) appears to be one of the major candidates for biological control programs against Liriomyza spp. This species is a primary ectoparasitoid capable of developing on at least 18 different Agromyzid species associated with herbaceous plants and rarely with trees. Objectives: The present study aimed to investigate Super parasitism behavior of the larval ectondoparasitoid D. isaea in the field on two leaf mining insect hosts L. trifolii and L. bryoniae in Alojelat region during the winter growing season 2016/2017 using Broad bean (Vecia faba), as a host plant. Methods: Broad bean (Vecia faba), was targeted as a host plant because it has a heavy infestation by the two leaf mining insects combined with a good population of D. isaea 100 parasitized larvae were collected. Larvae were checked and the number of the parasitoid immature stages were counted. Solitary parasitized and supper parasitized larvae were counted and recorded for the two insect hosts L. trifolii and L. bryoniae. Results: Superparasitism caused by D. isaea females on L. trifolii recorded high numbers during January and February and reached its peak on February 4th recording (18 superparasitized larvae/100 parasitized ones), while the host population recorded (104 L. trifolii larvae/100 leaflets) at the same time. Super parasitism decreased to its lowest number on December 17th recording (1 super parasitized larvae/100 parasitized ones) where the host population recorded (91 larvae/ 100 leaflets) at the same time. While, super parasitism caused by D. isaea females on L. bryoniae recorded high numbers during January and February and reached its peak on February 18th recording (26 super parasitized larvae/100 parasitized ones), while the host population was (116 larvae/100 leaflets), The lowest number of superparasitism was observed on December 17th (2.0 super parasitized larvae/100 parasitized ones) when the host population was (73 larvae/100 leaflets) at the same time. Conclusion: D. isaea females reached its highest numbers on the high population levels of the insect host on either L. trifolii or L. bryoniae with low preference towards L. bryoniae, so, superparasitism by D. isaea recorded slightly high numbers on L. bryoniae larvae compared with L. trifolii.
Superparasitism, D. isaea, L. trifolii, L. bryoniae, Alajelat, Libya
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