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Effect of Seed Size on Afzelia africana (Smith) Germination
Current Issue
Volume 8, 2020
Issue 1 (March)
Pages: 1-4   |   Vol. 8, No. 1, March 2020   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 57   Since Jan. 10, 2020 Views: 2819   Since Jan. 10, 2020
Awotedu Bolajoko Folake, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Jericho Hills, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Ogunwande Adedoyin Olusola, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Jericho Hills, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Germination is known as a biological process that requires a sufficient supply of water for the growth of the embryo. Seed size plays a vital role as a physical indicator of seed quality which inhibits the vegetative growth related to yield, harvest quality and market grade factor. It has also been shown that seed size affects germination rate, emergence rate, seedling vigor growth and establishment. The experiment was carried out in Tree Improvement section of the forestry research institute of Nigeria. This study was carried out to assess the effect of different seed sizes on Afzelia africana germination. They were grouped into 3 categories as large seed size (A), medium seed size (B) and small seed size (C). Different germination parameters like germination percentage (GP), cumulative germination, germination index (GI), germination rate index (GRI) were done. Data collection was analyzed using SPPS. The result shows that small seed size has the highest germination percentage of 83.3, medium 62.5 and large 62.5. For germination index, medium seed size performed best while in the result gotten for germination index rate, seed with large size performed best than others. In conclusion the significant growth observed showed that smaller size seed are good seed size for A. africana growth.
Germination, Seed, Afzelia africana , Emergence, Growth, Integument
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