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Effect of Sex on Carcass Characteristics and Meat Composition of Misseriya Goats of Sudan
Current Issue
Volume 7, 2019
Issue 3 (September)
Pages: 25-29   |   Vol. 7, No. 3, September 2019   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 37   Since Oct. 11, 2019 Views: 1043   Since Oct. 11, 2019
Hasseeb Adam Elbukhary, Faculty of Animal Production, West Kurdofan University, El Khuwei, Sudan.
Salih Ahmed Babiker, Faculty of Animal Production, University of Khartoum, Khartoum North, Sudan.
Ahmed Osman Idris, Faculty of Natural Resources and Environmental Studies, Peace University, Elfulla, Sudan.
The study was carried in Elfulla, Western Kurdofan State, Sudan. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of sex on carcass characteristics and composition of Misseriya goat kids during the dry season. Sixteen kids of 6 months old, 8 males and 8 females with an average live weight of 15.52±0.34kg for males and 16.26±0.51kg for females were purchased from the market for slaughter. The kids were slaughtered according to halal standard procedure. The results indicated that, hot carcass weight was 6.8 and 7.7kg, dressing out percentages were 43.82±1.58% and 47.21±1.57% on slaughter weight and 54.34±1.69% 56.00±0.86% on empty body weight for male and female kids respectively. Although female kids had higher hot carcass weight and dressing out percent either on slaughter weight or empty body weight, the different was not significant. The proportions of the wholesale cuts from male and female carcasses were; leg and chump 31.45±2.04% and 34.91±1.36%, best end of neck 7.75±0.48% and 8.00±0.33%, single short forequarter 31.13±1.16% and 31.74±0.91%, loin 10.73±0.07% and11.52±0.16%, breast 5.27±1.62% and 4.02±0.010% and neck10.00±1.10% and 6.95±0.50% for males and females respectively. The total carcass muscle proportion was 65.59±1.65% in male and 68.93±0.58% in female kids and was not significantly affected by sex. The total carcass bone proportion was 30.76±1.15% in male and 25.26±1.30% in female kids and was significantly P<0.05 higher in males. Total carcass fat portion was 3.18±0.56% in male and 6.23±0.90% in female kids and was significantly P<0.05 higher in female kids. Muscle to bone ratio was 2.16:1 for male and 2.76:1 for female kids and it was significantly P<0.05 higher in female kids. Non carcass components were not significantly differed between the sexes, except for the kidney fat which was P<0.05 higher in female kids and the head which was P<0.05 higher in male kids. It could be concluded that male and female Misseriya goat kids had comparable carcass characteristics and composition values when raised extensively, and Misseriya goat type is promising for securing meat in the area in specific and generally in Sudan.
Carcasses Fat, Dressing Percentage, Wholesale Cut
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