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Trend of Globalization and Its Impact on Agriculture: Forestry Share
Current Issue
Volume 7, 2019
Issue 1 (March)
Pages: 5-11   |   Vol. 7, No. 1, March 2019   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 41   Since Sep. 6, 2019 Views: 1163   Since Sep. 6, 2019
Oke Razaq Ajibola, Research Coordinating Unit, Forestry Research Institute of Nigeria, Ibadan, Nigeria.
Many theories linked agriculture, trade and globalization as components of growth and development through economic openness. Meanwhile, globalization has proved to be advantageous because it has helped many countries to increase their economy level of liberalization as well as the level of openness that has in turn led to growth and development. Though, some are on the receiving end while few others remained stagnant. To this extent, this paper looked through the Nigerian economy with global perspective through agricultural sector and forestry sub sector to evaluate and resolved that Nigeria has benefitted from globalization but not as much as she should, giving the imbalance of the outcome within subsector of the economy especially forestry subsector of the economy. With the help of secondary data and chats sourced and computed from the Central Bank of Nigeria Statistical bulletin, this study is able to show the level of openness and growth over the years on trade and Agricultural outputs respectively, it was also established that Nigerian economy has had its share in the benefits of international trade through agriculture, couple with the effects of fluctuation in world market. Thus, believe that agroforestry land use practice is desirable and capable of enhancing the needed production in agricultural sector vis a vis exportation to bring about desired growth and development to the country.
Globalization, Degree of Openness, Agriculture, Forestry, Total Trade, Agroforestry, GDP
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