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Evaluation of Challenges Facing Small Ruminants Production in Oyo Metropolis, Southern Guinea Savanna Environment of Nigeria
Current Issue
Volume 5, 2017
Issue 4 (August)
Pages: 34-38   |   Vol. 5, No. 4, August 2017   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 41   Since Aug. 1, 2017 Views: 1860   Since Aug. 1, 2017
Hamzat Aminat Olabisi., Agricultural Education Department, School of Vocational and Technical Education, Isokun Campus, Oyo, Nigeria.
Amao Shola Rasheed, Agricultural Education Department, School of Vocational and Technical Education, Isokun Campus, Oyo, Nigeria.
A total number of two hundred small ruminant farmers were randomly selected from four local government Areas of Oyo metropolis to examine the challenges facing small ruminant production in Oyo metropolis. The researchers adopted two hundred (200) questionnaires for the study. The results indicated that about 64%, 78%, 42% and 36% respectively of the respondents were male, married, in the age range of 41-50 years and pass through secondary school and tertiary institutional respectively as their educational status. The local sheep (74%) were the most preferred and dominant breeds of sheep in Oyo metropolis. The method of feeding commonly adopted (72%) by farmers was a combination of scavenging and supplementation, while cassava peels was the manifested supplement. Majority (38%) of the small ruminant holders practiced semi-intensive system of husbandry and a greater proportion (34%) reared the animals for consumption purpose. Farmers identified scarcity of fodder, lack of training and knowledge, shortage of veterinary service and limited capital as the most serious challenges facing small ruminant production in the study area.
Challenges, Small Ruminant Production, Management
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