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Assessment of Sorghum Productivity with and Without Application of Terraces in Traditional Rain Fed Areas in Kassala State-Sudan
Current Issue
Volume 6, 2018
Issue 1 (February)
Pages: 11-16   |   Vol. 6, No. 1, February 2018   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 50   Since Jan. 8, 2018 Views: 1312   Since Jan. 8, 2018
Khidir Ramadan Sadig, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Kassala, New Halfa, Sudan.
Sumaya Mohammed Mustafa, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Kassala, New Halfa, Sudan.
Ibrahim Suliman Mohamed Ismail, Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Kassala, New Halfa, Sudan.
Mohamednour Abdelrahim, Drought Resilience Programme Department, Intergovernmental Authority on Development, Gedarif, Sudan.
This study was mainly designed to determine, analyze, and compare the Sorghum productivity with the water harvesting techniques "terraces” application in the traditional rain fed areas in kassala state. The study area has been stratified into three zones; namely north Kassala (NK), south east Kassala (SWK), and south west Kassala (SEK), based on the amount of average annual Rainfall precipitation in each zone Five locations were randomly selected from each zone. Stratified random sampling was followed for the purpose of the study, and then a desired sample size of 10% was selected in each location. Both primary and secondary data were collected and analyzed using the Scientific Package for Socio-economic Studies (SPSS), independent t-test was used to answer research hypotheses, and compare between zones in the study universe. The average productivity of sorghum/feddan over 10 years (2005-2014) compared between respondents who users and none users of WHTs (terraces) in NK, SWK, SEK, Zones. Farmers who use WHTs (terraces) in SEK have higher productivity/feddan than the farmers who use the WHTs (terraces) in SWK and NK, and this is attributed to the higher annual rainfall precipitation in SEK zone, and the farmers who use the WHTs in SWK have a high productivity/feddan than the farmers who use the WHTs (terraces) in NK. And this is attributed to the high annual rainfall precipitation in SWK comparing to the annual rainfall in NK.
Net Return, Sorghum Productivity, Water Harvesting Technique (Terraces), Traditional Rain Fed
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