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Understanding the Permutation of Integrated Agriculture Approach for Bringing Resilience at Haor Basins in Bangladesh
Current Issue
Volume 5, 2017
Issue 5 (October)
Pages: 67-74   |   Vol. 5, No. 5, October 2017   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 47   Since Aug. 28, 2017 Views: 1523   Since Aug. 28, 2017
Sheikh Muhammad Khaled Sharif, Faculty of Earth and Environmental Science, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Shahana Sultana, Bangladesh Agricultural Research Institute, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.
Farjana Haq, Department of Microbiology and Hygiene, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, Bangladesh.
Abu Sayeed Md. Abdullah, Reproductive and Child Health Department, Centre for Injury Prevention and Research, Bangladesh (CIPRB), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Integration of different agriculture technologies with Cooperative and Public Private Partnership (PPP) like approach is crucial for resilience at Haor areas in Bangladesh. This study was attempted to investigate integrated approaches to bring resilience, to learn the opinions about cooperative approach, PPP approach, and microcredit access from the Households (HHs) and finally to recommend appropriate measures to build resilience in Haor Basins. A cross sectional study was conducted in 150 HHs of 6 different villages in three haors of Sunamganj district. The data were collected by face to face interview with the responders and then the data were obtained and analysed with MS XL and SPSS software. The study area was single-cropping area and about 64% of the respondents knew about it with no practices by anyone. They express it will increase dry period opportunities and bring technical-know-how. They expressed cooperatives have no strength, not functional and exists only by name. Nearly 44% asked PPP approach will bring nothing as many things were shouted for development. There is wide criticism of microcredit due to interest rate and anticipated losses. It was also found that 98% respondents did not feel resilient. Forming cooperatives of HHs in the haor, followed by integrated approach of agriculture by technology dissemination, investing with public private partnership mode by the investors in such cooperatives and finally integration of all proposed approaches towards resilience are finally recommended. Therefore, integrated agriculture approach would be the solutions to be resilient through taking attempt to both single-cropping areas and multiple cropping areas with an aim where it is least possible. PPP approach, cooperative approach and institutional linkages will bring success as one approach will reduce the limitations of others.
Integrated Agriculture Approach, Cooperative Approach, PPP Approach, Resilience, Haor Basin
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