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Knowledge Sharing and Allocative Efficiency of Poultry Farmers in Southwest Nigeria
Current Issue
Volume 4, 2016
Issue 4 (August)
Pages: 27-35   |   Vol. 4, No. 4, August 2016   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 44   Since Aug. 6, 2016 Views: 1968   Since Aug. 6, 2016
Oluwole I. Ogunyemi, Agricultural Extension & Management Department, Lagos State Polytechnic, Lagos, Nigeria.
Taiwo B. Ajayi, Library Department, Lagos State Polytechnic, Lagos, Nigeria.
Poultry farmers struggle to operate at cost levels that provide profit to sustain continuous production in Nigeria. Many studies have therefore been done to determine the efficiency levels of farmers, most of which are on technical efficiency. Few considered allocative efficiency (cost inefficiency), in relation to farmers’ socio-economic variables excluding knowledge sharing. This study, determined the effect of knowledge sharing and other socio-economic variables of poultry farmers on their cost inefficiency. The questionnaire was created by the researchers and an expert group in the Lagos State Polytechnic. Three states out of six: Lagos, Ogun and Oyo were purposively selected and 400 farmers were administered with questionnaire through convenience sampling but 336 were successful at 108, 107 and 121 in the three states respectively. Descriptive statistics and stochastic cost frontier were used to analyse the data. The results showed that majority, 63.99%, did not share government support knowledge and majority fairly shared other production knowledge types. Age with coefficient of -3.199 negatively affect cost inefficiency and is statistically significant at 1%. Non-sharing of knowledge is positive and significant at 1%; the farmers that did not share knowledge had higher cost inefficiency of 2.563, on the average, than those that share knowledge. Poultry farmers should be encouraged to share production knowledge especially through informal means. Government should boost its trust among farmers so that they can share knowledge relating to government supports towards boosting poultry production in southwest Nigeria.
Knowledge Sharing, Cost Inefficiency, Poultry Farmers, Southwest Nigeria
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