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Variability Study in Sesame (Sesamum indicum (L)) Cultivars based on Agro-Morphological Characters
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2015
Issue 6 (December)
Pages: 237-242   |   Vol. 3, No. 6, December 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 64   Since Nov. 5, 2015 Views: 2040   Since Nov. 5, 2015
Abdou R. I. Y., National Agricultural Research Institute of Niger (INRAN), Department of Rain-Fed Crops Production (DCP), Niamey, Niger.
Moutari A., National Agricultural Research Institute of Niger (INRAN), Department of Rain-Fed Crops Production (DCP), Niamey, Niger.
Ali B., National Agricultural Research Institute of Niger (INRAN), Department of Rain-Fed Crops Production (DCP), Niamey, Niger.
Basso Y., National Agricultural Research Institute of Niger (INRAN), Department of Rain-Fed Crops Production (DCP), Niamey, Niger.
Djibo M., National Agricultural Research Institute of Niger (INRAN), Department of Rain-Fed Crops Production (DCP), Niamey, Niger.
A total of 49 sesame cultivars were assessed for genetic variability based on some agro morphological characters at Ndounga research station in 2010. Five qualitative and ten quantitative characters were collected in this study. Results showed that the 49 sesame cultivars were clustered into three main clusters at 0.175 level of similarity. Highly significant positive correlation were found between capsule yield (CY) and seed yield (CY) and between seed yield and harvest index with respectively r=0.94 and r=0.85 The results suggested that seed coat color, seed and capsule yields, days to 50% flowering, days to 50% maturity, number of branches/plant, number of capsule/plant, capsule length and harvest index were the most important traits to be considered in discriminating sesame germplasm. Cultivars SN22-04 and SN9-04 which showed relatively better performance with most desirable characters should be involved in a hybridization program.
Sesame, Agro Morphological Characters, Genetic Variability, Clusters Analysis
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