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Dissecting Genotype by Environment Interactions in Sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) Genotypes Form Niger
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2015
Issue 5 (October)
Pages: 202-205   |   Vol. 3, No. 5, October 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 37   Since Oct. 23, 2015 Views: 1902   Since Oct. 23, 2015
Abdou Razakou Ibrahim, National Agricultural Research Institute of Niger (INRAN), Department of Rain-Fed Crops Production (DCP), Niamey, Niger.
Moutari Adamou, National Agricultural Research Institute of Niger (INRAN), Department of Rain-Fed Crops Production (DCP), Niamey, Niger.
Djibo Moussa, National Agricultural Research Institute of Niger (INRAN), Department of Rain-Fed Crops Production (DCP), Niamey, Niger.
Bachari Moussa, Crops Protection Service, Ministry of Agriculture, Niamey, Niger.
The adaptability of a variety over diverse environments is usually tested by its degree of interaction with different growing environments. JRA was used in this study to dissect G x E interaction in sesame genotypes. The results showed significant differences for genotypes, environments and genotypes x environment interactions indicating that genotypes behaved differentially across environments. Genotypes SN203 and SN403 recorded the highest seed yields mean of 187 kg/ha and 206 kg/ha respectively and had a regression coefficient closer to unity (0.98 and 0.89 respectively) across the six (6) environments. These genotypes performed consistently well in these environments. Therefore, SN203 and SN403 sesame genotypes could be recommended in LUCOP-Ti project intervention area located in the western part of Niger.
Genotypes, Environments, Genotypes x Environment, Join Regression Analysis, Stability
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