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Focusing on the Future of Pterocarpus chrysothrix (Mukula) in Zambia: A Brief Review of Its Ecology, Distribution and Current Threats
Current Issue
Volume 3, 2015
Issue 6 (December)
Pages: 218-221   |   Vol. 3, No. 6, December 2015   |   Follow on         
Paper in PDF Downloads: 81   Since Oct. 24, 2015 Views: 2698   Since Oct. 24, 2015
Darius Phiri, School of Natural Resources, Copperbelt University, Jambo Drive, Riverside, Kitwe, Zambia.
Donald Zulu, School of Natural Resources, Copperbelt University, Jambo Drive, Riverside, Kitwe, Zambia.
Chisala Lwali, School of Natural Resources, Copperbelt University, Jambo Drive, Riverside, Kitwe, Zambia.
Christopher Imakando, School of Natural Resources, Copperbelt University, Jambo Drive, Riverside, Kitwe, Zambia.
Pterocopsis chrysothrix (P. chrysothrix) locally known as ‘Mukula’ is a multipurpose tree species extensively harvested and currently facing a threat from extinction in Zambia. It is as a result of its good utility properties such as quality timber and medicinal values that have triggered the illegal harvest and export of timber to developed countries. This paper focuses on briefly reviewing the ecology, distribution and current threats on P. chrysothryx from the on-going indiscriminate cutting in many parts of Zambia. This tree species is not very common in Zambia, however, it can be propagated by using different methods such as seeds, cuttings and tissue culture. The limited literature existing shows that it is illegally overharvested and exported in a semi processed form without undergoing formal legal procedures such as inspection and taxation. The problem of overharvesting of Mukula can be reversed by finding suitable propagation methods and developing sound legal strategies for the protection and management of this important tree species.
Pterocopsis chrysothrix, Illegal Harvesting, Extinction, Propagation
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